
+82 23180345


Uljiro 16 Joong Gu, Seoul , 04533, KR


(Special Terms and Insurance Information for DMZKOREA Travel Agency)

[Article 1] Application

It is carried out separately from the Fair Trade Commission's consumer dispute settlement standards, and the tour progress and cancellation shall apply to the following special terms and conditions.

[Article 2] Deposit

30% deposit of the total tour cost will be made when the tour is booked. You cannot get a refund of deposit when the tour is cancelled.

[Article 3] Cancellation Fee (All products of Cosmojin are subject to the following cancellation rate)

1. Customized tourism: 30% of the total tour cost must be paid in advance; (card available) cancellation 48 hours prior to the start of the tour will require paying 70% of the total tour cost and cancellation 24 hours prior to the start of the tour will require paying 100% of the total tour cost.

2. Package tours: Cancellation terms and conditions vary for each tour, so follow the Payment & Cancellation Terms within each tour page. The tour, which includes the Panmunjom tour, must be paid 100% immediately after reservation and is non-refundable in case of cancellation for personal reasons.. However, in case of cancellation due to the internal situation in the military area, the tour confirmation will proceed with Plan B as specified.

* Items that have been agreed in advance or on the information page by tourist product may be applied differently, and those that have been agreed with the customer shall take precedence over the special terms and conditions.

[Article 4] Insurance

The details of DMZKOREA's subscription insurance are as follows:
1) Authorized Traveler Guarantee Insurance
2) Operating Rewards Insurance (300 million won)
3) Domestic Travel Insurance (optional)

In the event of an accident on the day of the event, there is no injury insurance for the corresponding medical expenses.
If you do not have an overseas travel insurance from your home country, please be sure to contact your tour guide.
Please be sure to read the terms and conditions of the product and the product manual before signing the insurance contract.

[Article 5] Accident Compensation Insurance

DMZKOREA is a certified travel agency, registered with the highest degree of accident compensation insurance in the industry for any accidents occurring during customer’s travel.
For specific conditions on legal compensation limit and assurance regarding injury, disease, death, permanent disability or property damage, please check the Terms and Conditions in English or Korean. [Terms for Accident Compensation Insurance] 

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